The XEP1541 adaptor Important notes
ConstructionYou need the following parts to build this adaptor:
Step 1. Build the board of the adaptor, cut it to shape and drill the holes in it, based on the board diagram (300 DPI resolution). This diagram shows the board as viewed from below. Step 2. Solder the PCB-mountable DIN port and parallel plug onto the upper side of the board. Step 3. Build the diode bridges between the appropriate pins of the parallel plug on the upper side of the board. These include the following connections:
The cathodes should be pointing towards the pins in the right column of the table, which corresponds to the right when the adaptor is viewed from its back side, where the DIN port and the user port edge are. The parts should be soldered the following way onto the board. This diagram shows the board as viewed from above. Note the small band on the right side of the diodes. Circuit diagram: You can find the description of all parts used on the diagrams at the legend page. Source: The Joe Forster-STA homepage [Back] |