C'mon - Machine Language Monitor for Commodore VIC-20 - v1.0 (c)2001 Aleksi Eeben (email: aeeben@paju.oulu.fi) http://www.cncd.fi/aeeben cmon-4608.prg unexpanded VIC-20 clite-5632.prg unexpanded, LITE version cmon-1024.prg 3k or Super Expander cmon-13312.prg 8k cmon-21504.prg 16k cmon-29696.prg 24k cmon-46080.prg 32k cmon64-50176.prg Commodore 64 version (experimental) Monitor commands: H Help (not included in LITE version) A Assemble A 1000 A 1000 LDA #$00 Assembles LDA #$00 to $1000 and prompts for next memory location. Enter an empty line to exit assemble mode. See 'instr.asm' for list of 6502/6510 commands. 'Undocumented commands' are not included in LITE version. C Copy memory (not included in LITE version) C 1000 1200 1E00 Copies $1000-$11ff to $1e00-$1fff. F Fill memory (not included in LITE version) F 1000 1E00 00 Fills $1000-$1dff with byte value $00. G Go G 1000 W Write to memory W 1E00 03 27 0D 0F 0E Writes any number of bytes to memory. D Disassemble D 1000 D Disassembles next 16 instructions. CTRL slows down, STOP breaks. I Text view I 1000 View memory contents in PETSCII text. M Hex dump M 1000 N Convert hex to decimal (not included in LITE version) N 1000 R Registers R Shows captured values of AC, XR, YR, SP and flags. $ Disk directory (not included in LITE version) @ Disk command or status (not included in LITE version) @S:FILE @ Sends disk command to the current drive. @ alone reads disk status. L Load memory L "FILE" 1000 L "FILE" If no address is give the load address is taken from the file header (like LOAD"FILE",8,1). S Save memory S "FILE" 1000 1200 Saves $1000-$11ff to "FILE". Z Set drive (not included in LITE version, use W 00BA 08 instead) Z 08 Set device number for all disk operations. Memory locations used: $00f7-$00fe ($fd) holds the current address, others are misc. variables $0100-$0110 Used by BASIC ROM when printing decimal numbers (N, $) $0200-$0252 Assembly buffer, temporary filename, disk command $0253-$0258 Captured registers (captured on startup and after each G) $0200-$0258 is zeroed on exit (to prevent silly error messages in BASIC).